Solving the Mystery of the Check Engine Light
Like most drivers, you probably feel a tinge of unease when the lights on your dashboard become illuminated. You may not know exactly what these lights mean, but you know they’re not good. The “check engine” light is particularly troubling because it’s so vague. Fortunately, no matter what the problem is, your Santa Clara auto mechanic can address it.
There are a number of issues that could cause the check engine light to come on. The problem could be as simple as a loose or missing gas cap, or it could be as complicated as a spark plug or wiring issues. Sometimes mass airflow filter problems summon the check engine light, while other times oxygen sensor problems are to blame. In a particularly unfortunate circumstance, the check engine light may indicate that the vehicle needs a new catalytic converter. You could spend hours fretting and puzzling over the check engine light yourself, or you have a car engine mechanic in Santa Clara identify the problem in a matter of minutes.